Least Squares as a Projection

Paul Schrimpf



  • Required: Song (2021) chapter 5 (which is the basis for these slides)
  • Supplemental: Schrimpf (2018), Schrimpf (2013b), Schrimpf (2013a), Schrimpf (2013d), Schrimpf (2013c)

\[ \def\Er{{\mathrm{E}}} \def\cov{{\mathrm{Cov}}} \def\var{{\mathrm{Var}}} \def\R{{\mathbb{R}}} \newcommand\norm[1]{\left\lVert#1\right\rVert} \def\rank{{\mathrm{rank}}} \]


  • Consider: \[ y = X\beta + u \]
    • \(y \in \R^n\)
    • \(X \in \R^{n \times k}\), nonstochastic
    • \(\Er[u] = 0\), \(\Er[uu'] = \sigma^2 I_n\)
  • \(\hat{\beta} = (X'X)^{-1}X'y\) is linear in \(y\) and unbiased
  • If \(\tilde{\beta}\) is another estimator linear in \(y\) and unbiased, how does its variance compare to \(\hat{\beta}\)?

Gauss-Markov Theorem

Theorem: Gauss-Markov

If \(\Er[u] = 0\) and \(\Er[uu'] = \sigma^2 I_n\), then the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) of \(a'\beta = a'\hat{\beta}\) where \(\hat{\beta} = (X'X)^{-1} X'y\)

  • This chapter: use linear algebra to further understand and generalize this result

Projection Geometry and Quadratic Forms

Orthogonal Subspaces

  • \(V \subseteq \R^n\), inner product space
  • \(L \subset V\) a subspace


An \(L \subset V\) is a subspace if \(\forall x, y \in L\), \(\alpha, \beta \in \R\), \(\alpha x + \beta y \in L\)

Orthogonal Subspaces

  • \(V \subseteq \R^n\), inner product space
  • \(L \subset V\) a subspace


Given a subspace \(L \subset V\) the orthogonal complement of \(L\) is \[ L^\perp = \{x \in V: x' l = 0 \,\forall l \in L\} \]

  • For any \(y \in V\), \(\exists y_1 \in L\), \(y_2 \in L^\perp\) s.t. \(y = y_1 + y_2\)

Orthogonal Subspaces

Lemma 1.1

Let \(L_1\) and \(L_2\) be subspaces of \(V\), then \[ (\underbrace{L_1 + L_2}_{\{l_1 + l_2 \in V: l_1 \in L_2, l_2 \in L_2\}})^\perp = L_1^\perp \cap L_2^\perp \] and \[ (L_1 \cap L_2)^\perp = L_1^\perp + L_2^\perp \]



\(P_L y \in L\) is the projection of \(y\) on \(L\) if \[ \norm{y - P_L y } = \inf_{w \in L} \norm{y - w} \]

Projection Theorem

  1. \(P_L y\) exists, is unique, and is a linear function of \(y\)

  2. For any \(y_1^* \in L\), \(y_1^* = P_L y\) iff \(y- y_1^* \perp L\)

  • 2 implies if \(y = y_1 + y_2\) with \(y_1 \in L\) and \(y_2 \in L^\perp\), then \(y_1 = P_L y\)

Projection Map

Theorem 1.2

A linear map \(G: V \to L\) is the projection map onto \(L\) iff \(Gy = y\) \(\forall y \in L\) and \(Gy = 0\) \(\forall y \in L^\perp\)

Projection Map


Linear \(G: V \to V\) is

  • idempotent if \(G (G y) = G y\) \(\forall y \in V\)

  • symmetric if \(G'y = G y\) \(\forall y \in V\)

Theorem 1.3

A linear map \(G: V \to V\) is a projection map onto its range, \(\mathcal{R}(G)\), iff \(G\) is idempotent and symmetric.

Projection Differences

Theorem 1.4

Let \(L \subset V\) and \(L_0 \subset L\) be subspaces. Then \(P_L - P_{L_0} = P_{L \cap L_0^\perp}\)

Projection onto \(X\)


For linear \(H: \R^s \to \R^r\), the g-inverse of \(H\) is any \(H^{-}\) s.t. \(H H^{-} H = H\)

Theorem 1.5

Let \(X: \R^k \to \R^n\) be linear. The projection onto \(\mathcal{R}(X)\) is \(P_X = X(X'X)^- X'\) where \((X'X)^{-}\) is any g-inverse of \(X'X\)

Projection Spectrum


Let \(A: V \to V\) be linear. Then \(\lambda\) is an eigenvalue of \(A\) and \(v \neq 0\) is an associated eigenvector if \(A v = \lambda v\)

Lemma 1.2

The eigenvalues of a symmetric and idempotent matrix, \(P\) are either \(0\) or \(1\). Furthmore rank of \(P\) is the sum of its eigenvalues.

Projection Rank

Theorem 1.6

  1. \(\mathrm{rank}(P_X) = \mathrm{rank}(X)\)

  2. \(\rank(I-P_X) = n - \rank(X)\)

Generalized Linear Model

Generalized Linear Model

\[ Y = \theta + u \]

  • \(\theta \in L \subset \R^n\), \(L\) a known subspace

  • \(u \in \R^n\) unobserved

  • Example: \[ Y_i = x_{i,1} \beta_1 + \cdots + x_{i,k} \beta_k + u_i \]
    • \(X_k \equiv (x_{1,k}, ... , x{n,k})'\), \(X \equiv(X_1, ..., X_k)\), \(\beta \equiv (\beta_1, ..., \beta_k)'\), \(y \equiv (Y_1, ..., Y_n)'\), \(u \equiv (u_1, ..., u_n)'\) \[y= X\beta + u\] fits setup with \(L = \mathcal{R}(X)\)


  • \(\hat{\theta} = P_L y\), i.e. \(\norm{y - \hat{\theta} y } = \inf_{w \in L} \norm{y - w}\)

Gauss-Markov Theorem

Gauss-Markov Theorem

Theorem: Gauss-Markov

If \(\Er[u] = 0\) and \(\Er[uu'] = \sigma^2 I_n\), then the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) of \(a'\theta = a'\hat{\theta}\) where \(\hat{\theta} = P_L y\)


If \[ y = X'\beta + u \] and \(\Er[u] = 0\) and \(\Er[uu'] = \sigma^2 I_n\), then the BLUE of \(c'\beta\) is \(c'\hat{\beta}\) with \(\hat{\beta} = (X'X)^{-1} X' y\)


Schrimpf, Paul. 2013a. “Matrix Algebra and Introduction to Vector Spaces.” http://faculty.arts.ubc.ca/pschrimpf/526/lec03matrixAlgebra.pdf.
———. 2013b. “Systems of Linear Equations.” http://faculty.arts.ubc.ca/pschrimpf/526/lec02systemsOfLinearEquations.pdf.
———. 2013c. “Unconstrained Optimization (Especially Section 4 on Eigendecomposition).” http://faculty.arts.ubc.ca/pschrimpf/526/lec10optimization.pdf.
———. 2013d. “Vector Spaces.” http://faculty.arts.ubc.ca/pschrimpf/526/lec04vectorspaces.pdf.
———. 2018. “Linearity.” http://faculty.arts.ubc.ca/pschrimpf/526/linear-526.pdf.
Song, Kyunchul. 2021. “Introduction to Econometrics.”