Function Approximation

Paul Schrimpf



Function Approximation

\[ \def\R{{\mathbb{R}}} \def\Er{{\mathrm{E}}} \def\argmin{\mathrm{arg}\min} \]

  • Target: \(f_0:\R^d \to \R\)
    • Expensive to compute
  • Given \(\{x_i, f_0(x_i) \}_{i=1}^n\), approximate \(f_0(x)\) by \(\tilde{f}(x)\) for \(\tilde{f} \in \mathcal{F}_k\)
    • Class of approximating function \(\mathcal{F}_k\)
    • Want \(\Vert f_0 - \tilde{f} \Vert\) to be small

Approximating Classes

  • Classical:
    • Polynomials
    • Trigonometric series
    • Splines
    • Local averages / kernel regression
  • Modern:
    • Radial basis functions
    • Trees
    • RKHS / Kriging / Gaussian process regression
    • Neural networks

Example: dynamic programming

  • Dynamic programming: \[ V(x) = \max_a u(a,x) + \beta \Er[V(x') | x, a] \]
    • \(x\) continuous
  • Value function iteration:
    • Pick grid \(x_1,..., x_n\)
    • Initial guess \(\tilde{V}_0\)
    • Maximize \(V_1(x_i) = \max_a u(a,x) + \beta \Er[\tilde{V}_0(x') | x , a]\)
    • Set \(\tilde{V}_1 \approx V_1\), repeat

Example: non parametric regression

  • Observe \[ y_i = f_0(x_i) + \epsilon_i \]
  • Estimate \[ \hat{f}_n \in \argmin_{f\in \mathcal{F}_k} \frac{1}{n} \sum_i (y_i - f(x_i))^2 \]
  • Typically, \[ \Vert f_0 - \hat{f}_n \Vert^2 = \underbrace{\Vert f_0 - \tilde{f} \Vert^2}_{\text{approximation error}} + \underbrace{\Vert \tilde{f} - \hat{f}_n \Vert^2}_{\text{variance}} \]

\(\Vert f_0 - f \Vert\)

  • Guarantees of the form \[ \sup_{f_0 \in \mathcal{F}_0 } \min_{\hat{f} \in \mathcal{F}_k} \Vert f_0 - \hat{f} \Vert_{\mathcal{V}} \leq g(n,k) \]
    • \(\mathcal{V}\) some vector space of functions, \(\mathcal{F}_0 \subseteq \mathcal{V}\), \(\mathcal{F}_k \subseteq \mathcal{V}\)
    • Usually \(\lim_{n,k \to \infty} g(n,k) = 0\)
  • Quality of approximation depends on
    • restrictions on \(\mathcal{F}_0\)
    • \(\mathcal{F}_k\) that is a good match for \(\mathcal{F}_0\)
  • \(\Vert \cdot \Vert_{\mathcal{V}}\) might not be norm of interest in applications, so might also want e.g. \(\Vert \cdot \Vert_{L^q(P(x))} \leq C \Vert \cdot \Vert_{\mathcal{V}}\)


Polynomials as Universal Approximators

  • Stone–Weierstrass theorem if \(f_0 \in C(X)\) for a compact set \(X \subset \R\), then \(\forall \epsilon>0\), \(\exists\) polynomial \(p\) s.t. \[ \Vert f_0 - p \Vert_\infty < \epsilon \]


  • Let \(P_n\) be polynomials of order \(n\)
  • Jackson’s theorem (Jackson (1912) and later refinements) if \(f \in C^s[-1,1]\) \[ \inf_{p \in P_n} \Vert f - p \Vert_{\infty} \leq \underbrace{\left( \frac{\pi}{2} \right)^s \prod_{j=n - s + 1}^{n+1} \frac{1}{j}}_{C(s) n^{-s}} \Vert f^{(s)} \Vert_\infty \]
    • An existence result, but does not tell how to find optimal \(p\)
    • In interpolation, achieving minimum requires careful choice of \(\{x_i\}_{i=1}^n\)


  • Lagrange interpolation problem
  • Given \(\{x_i, f(x_i)\}_{i=1}^n\), find \(p_{n-1} \in P_{n-1}\) such that \(p_{n-1}(x_i) = f(x_i)\)
  • If \(f \in C^n[-1,1]\) \[ |f(x) - p_{n-1}(x) | \leq \frac{\Vert f^{(n)} \Vert_\infty}{n!}\prod_{i=1}^n(x - x_i) \]
  • Choose \(x_i\) to minimize \(\Vert \prod_{i=1}^n(x - x_i) \Vert\)
    • Chebyshev polynomials interpolation

Other Series Estimators

  • Belloni et al. (2015) and reference therein
  • For smooth series, \(f_0:\R^d \to \R\), \(s\)-times differentiable, \[ \min_{\tilde{f} \in \mathcal{F}_k} \Vert f_0 - \tilde{f} \Vert \leq C k^{-s/d} \]
  • Splines of order \(s_0\), \[ \min_{\tilde{f} \in \mathcal{F}_k} \Vert f_0 - \tilde{f} \Vert \leq C k^{-\min\{s,s_0\}/d} \]

Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space

  • Iske et al. (2018) chapter 8
  • Especially useful in multi-dimensional settings
  • Mairhuber-Curtis theorem implies \(\mathcal{F}_k\) should depend on \(\{x_i\}_{i=1}^n\) when \(d \geq 2\)

From Kernel to Hilbert Space (Moore-Aronszajn theorem)

  • Kernel \(k(\cdot,\cdot): \R^d \times \R^d \to \R\) continuous, symmetric, and positive definite \[ \sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{j=1}^n c_i k(x_i,x_j) c_j \geq 0 \forall c, x \in \R^n \]
  • Construct an associated Hilbert space \[ \mathcal{K}^{pre} = \mathrm{span}\{ \sum_{j=1}^m c_j k(x_j, \cdot): c_j \in \R, x_j \in \R^d, m \in \mathbb{N}\} \] with inner product defined by \[ \langle k(x,\cdot), k(y,\cdot) \rangle_{\mathcal{K}} = k(x,y) \] completion of \(\mathcal{K}^{pre}\) is a Hilbert space

RKHS Facts

  • \(\langle k(x,\cdot), f \rangle_{\mathcal{K}} = f\)
  • \(\mathcal{K} \subset C(\R^d)\)

From Hilbert Space to Kernel

  • If \(\mathcal{H}\) is a Hilbert space and \(f \to f(x)\) is bounded for all \(x\), then \(\mathcal{H}\) is an RKHS

Interpolation in RKHS

  • Given \(\{x_i, f(x_i)\}_{i=1}^n\), there is unique \(\tilde{f} \in S_X \equiv \{ \sum_{i=1}^n c_i k(x_i, \cdot) \}\) such that \(\tilde{f}(x_i) = f(x_i)\) -\(\tilde{f}\) solves \[ \min_{g \in \mathcal{K}} \Vert g \Vert_{\mathcal{K}} \, s.t. \, g(x_i) = f(x_i) \text{ for } i=1,...,n \]

Mercer’s theorem and feature maps

  • Given another Hilbert space \(\mathcal{W}\), \(\Phi: \R^d \to \mathcal{W}\) is a feature map for \(k\) if \[ k(x,y) = \langle \Phi(x), \Phi(y) \rangle_\mathcal{W} \]
    • E.g. \(\mathcal{W} = \mathcal{K}\) and \(\Phi(x) = k(x,\cdot)\)
  • Given measure \(\mu\), define \(T: L^2(\mu) \to L^2(\mu)\) by \[ T(f)(x) = \int k(x,y) f(y) d\mu(y) \]

Mercer’s theorem and feature maps

  • Mercer’s theorem gives existence of Eigen decomposition, \[ T(f)(x) = \sum_{i=1}^\infty \lambda_i \phi_i(x) \langle \bar{\phi_i}, f \rangle_{L^2(\mu)} \] and \[ k(x,y) = \sum \lambda_i \phi_i(x) \bar{\phi_i}(y) \]
  • Feature map \(k(x,y) = \langle (\sqrt{\lambda_i} \phi_i(x))_{i=1}^\infty, (\sqrt{\lambda_i} \phi_i(x))_{i=1}^\infty \rangle_{\ell^2}\)
  • Link between inner product and norm in \(\mathcal{K}\) and in \(L^2(\mu)\)

RKHS as Universal Approximator

  • Micchelli, Xu, and Zhang (2006) or summary by Zhang (2018)
  • Given \(f \in C(Z)\), \(Z \subset \R^d\) and compact, can elements of \(\mathcal{K}\) approximate \(f\) in \(\Vert\cdot\Vert_\infty\)?
  • Let \(K(Z) = \overline{\mathrm{span}}\{k(\cdot,y): y \in Z\} \subseteq C(Z)\)
  • Let \(\Phi\) be feature map for \(k\) associated with \(\mu\) with \(supp(\mu) = Z\)
  • Dual space of \(C(Z)\) is set of Borel measures on \(Z\), \(B(Z)\) with \[ \mu(f) = \int_Z f d\mu \]

RKHS as Universal Approximator

  • Map \(B(Z)\) into \(\mathcal{K}^* = \mathcal{K}\) by \[ \langle U(\mu), h \rangle_{\mathcal{K}} = \langle \int_Z \Phi(x)(\cdot) d\mu(x), h \rangle_{\mathcal{K}} = \int_Z \langle \Phi(x), h \rangle_{\mathcal{K}} d\mu(x) \]
  • \(U\) is bounded
  • \(K(Z)^\perp = \mathcal{N}(U)\), i.e. universal approximation iff \(\mathcal{N}(U) = \{0\}\).
    • iff \(\overline{\mathrm{span}}\{ \langle \Phi(x), \gamma_i \rangle_\mathcal{K} : \gamma_i \text{ basis for } \mathcal{K} \} = C(Z)\)
  • Radial kernels are universal approximators \[ k(x,y) = \int e^{-t\Vert x-y\Vert^2} d\nu(t) \]

RKHS approximation rate

  • Bach (2024) chapter 7
  • If \(k\) is translation invariant and \(f\) is \(s\) times differentiable, \[ \inf_{f \in \mathcal{K}} \Vert f - f_0 \Vert_{L^2(\mu)} + \lambda \Vert f \Vert_{\mathcal{K}} \approx O(\lambda^(s/r_k)) \] where \(r_k\) depends on \(k\) and need \(r_k > d/2 > s\) (if \(s \geq r_k\), then \(f_0 \in \mathcal{K}\) and can do better)
  • If sample \(x_i \sim \mu\) and interpolate \[ \hat{f} = \argmin_{f \in \mathcal{K}} \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n (f_0(x_i) - f(x_i) )^2 + \lambda \Vert f \Vert_{\mathcal{K}} \] then \(\Vert \hat{f} - f_0 \Vert_{L^2(\mu)} \approx O(n^{-s/r_k})\)
    • if \(f_0 \in \mathcal{K}\), \(O(n^{-1/2})\)

Neural Networks


Investment with adjustment costs and productivity

  • Price taking firm, output \(y = e^\omega F(k,\ell,m)\), prices \(p_y, p_m, p_\ell, p_k\)
  • Each period, \(m\), flexibly chosen given predetermined \(k, \ell\) \[ \max_{m} p_y e^\omega F(k,\ell,m) - p_m m \]
using ModelingToolkit, NonlinearSolve, Symbolics
@variables m
@parameters k, l, ω, pm, py
Dm = Differential(m)
production(k,l,m) = k^(2//10)*l^(4//10)*m^(3//10)
#ρ = 5
#rts = 9//10
#ces(k,l,m) = (k^ρ + l^ρ + m^ρ)^(rts/ρ)
profits(k,l,m,ω,pm,py) = py*exp(ω)*production(k,l,m) - pm*m
mstar = symbolic_solve(Symbolics.derivative(profits(k,l,m,ω,pm,py),m) ~ 0 ,m)[1]

flowprofits = eval(build_function(profits(k,l,mstar,ω,pm,py), k,l,ω,pm,py))
#1 (generic function with 1 method)

Dynamic Labor and Capital Choices

  • \(\omega_t\) Markov, \(F(\omega_t | \omega_{t-1})\), prices constant
  • Labor and capital chosen before \(\omega_t\) known
  • Adjustment cost of capital \(c(k',k)\)

\[ \begin{align*} V(\omega, k,\ell) = & \max_{k',\ell',m} p_y e^\omega F(k,\ell,m) - p_\ell \ell - p_k k - c(k,k') + \beta E_\omega' [V(\omega', k',\ell') | \omega ] \\ = & \max_{k',\ell'} \pi^*(p,\omega, k, \ell) - c(k,k') + \beta E[V(\omega',k',\ell')|\omega] \end{align*} \]

using Surrogates


Bach, Francis. 2024. Learning Theory from First Principles. MIT Press.
Belloni, Alexandre, Victor Chernozhukov, Denis Chetverikov, and Kengo Kato. 2015. “Some New Asymptotic Theory for Least Squares Series: Pointwise and Uniform Results.” Journal of Econometrics 186 (2): 345–66.
Iske, Armin et al. 2018. Approximation Theory and Algorithms for Data Analysis. Springer.
Jackson, Dunham. 1912. “On Approximation by Trigonometric Sums and Polynomials.” Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 13 (4): 491–515.
Micchelli, Charles A., Yuesheng Xu, and Haizhang Zhang. 2006. “Universal Kernels.” Journal of Machine Learning Research 7 (95): 2651–67.
Zhang, Thomas. 2018. “Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces.”