@doc raw"""
share(δ, Σ, dFν, x)
Computes shares in random coefficient logit with mean tastes `δ`, observed characteristics `x`, unobserved taste distribution `dFν`, and taste covariances `Σ`.
# Arguments
- `δ` vector of length `J`
- `Σ` `K` by `K` matrix
- `dFν` distribution of length `K` vector
- `x` `J` by `K` array
# Returns
- vector of length `J` consisting of $s_1$, ..., $s_J$
function share (δ, Σ, dFν, x, ∫ = ∫cuba)
J,K = size (x)
(length (δ) == J) || error ("length(δ)= $ (length (δ)) != size(x,1)= $ J" )
(K,K) === size (Σ) || error ("size(x,2)= $ K != size(Σ)= $ (size (Σ))" )
function shareν (ν)
s = δ + x* Σ* ν
s .-= maximum (s)
s .= exp .(s)
s ./= sum (s)
return (s)
return (∫ (shareν, dFν))
using HCubature
function ∫cuba (f, dx; rtol= 1e-4 )
D = length (dx)
x (t) = t./ (1 .- t.^ 2 )
Dx (t) = prod ((1 .+ t.^ 2 )./ (1 .- t.^ 2 ).^ 2 )
hcubature (t->f (x (t))*pdf (dx,x (t))*Dx (t), -ones (D),ones (D), rtol= rtol)[1 ]
using SparseGrids , FastGaussQuadrature , Distributions
function ∫sgq (f, dx:: MvNormal ; order= 5 )
X, W = sparsegrid (length (dx), order, gausshermite, sym= true )
L = cholesky (dx.Σ).L
sum (f (√2 * L* x + dx.μ)* w for (x,w) ∈ zip (X,W))/ (π ^ (length (dx)/ 2 ))